Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
90 hrs.
The Certified Ethical Hacking training is targeted to build ethical hackers who can uncover weaknesses in nearly any type of target system before cybercriminals do. This course will candidates with various technologies, tactics, procedures, and core knowledge needed to succeed in cybersecurity domain. Candidates will learn latest OS, exploits, tools, and techniques. Candidates will also learn topics like Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Foot Printing and Reconnaissance, Scanning Networks, Enumeration, Vulnerability Analysis, System Hacking, Malware Threats, Sniffing, Social Engineering, Denial-of-Service, Session Hijacking, Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots, Hacking Web Servers, Hacking Web Applications, SQL Injection, Hacking Wireless Networks, Hacking Mobile Platforms, IoT and OT Hacking, Cloud Computing and Cryptography. Certified Ethical Hacking is a lab-intensive course and objectives are accomplished mainly through hands on learning.
These 90 hours of (Lectures + hands-on Lab) Certified Ethical Hacking training is targeted to build ethical hackers who can uncover weaknesses in nearly any type of target system before cybercriminals do. This course will candidates with various technologies, tactics, procedures, and core knowledge needed to succeed in cybersecurity domain. Candidates will learn latest OS, exploits, tools, and techniques. Candidates will also learn topics like Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Foot Printing and Reconnaissance, Scanning Networks, Enumeration, Vulnerability Analysis, System Hacking, Malware Threats, Sniffing, Social Engineering, Denial-of-Service, Session Hijacking, Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots, Hacking Web Servers, Hacking Web Applications, SQL Injection, Hacking Wireless Networks, Hacking Mobile Platforms, IoT and OT Hacking, Cloud Computing and Cryptography. Certified Ethical Hacking is a lab-intensive course and objectives are accomplished mainly through hands on learning.
The key to a high success rate is based on the program’s objectives as follows:
- Course contents are based on EC-Council: CEH course outlines.
- Dedicated Monitoring to evaluate and report candidate’s progress.
- Extensive hands-on lab exercises.
- Industry acclaimed, experienced and certified instructors.
- Project manager can be assigned to track candidates’ performance
- Curriculum based on course outlines defined by EC-Council
- This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises
- Facility of Lab on cloud available (based on booking)
- Courseware includes reference material to maximize learning.
- Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
- Courseware includes reference material to maximize learning.
- Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
- Repeating of lectures allowed (based on seat availability)
- Identify, describe, enumerate, the vulnerabilities of different servers.
- Key issues plaguing the information security world, incident management process, and penetration testing.
- Various types of foot printing, foot printing tools, and countermeasures.
- Network scanning techniques and scanning countermeasures.
- Enumeration techniques and enumeration countermeasures.
- System hacking methodology, steganography, steganography attacks, and covering tracks.
- Different types of Trojans, Trojan analysis, and Trojan countermeasures
- Working of viruses, virus analysis, computer worms, malware analysis procedure, and countermeasures.
- Packet sniffing techniques and how to defend against sniffing.
- Social Engineering techniques, identify theft.
- Social Engineering countermeasures.
- DoS/DDoS session hijacking techniques.
- SQL injection attacks and injection detection tools.
- Wireless Encryption, wireless hacking methodology, wireless hacking tools, and wi-fi security tools.
- Mobile platform attack vector, android vulnerabilities, jailbreaking iOS, mobile vulnerabilities, mobile security guidelines, and tools.
- Firewall, IDS and honeypot evasion techniques, evasion tools, and countermeasures.
- Different types of cryptography ciphers, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), cryptography attacks, and cryptanalysis tools.
- Various types of penetration testing, security audit, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing roadmap.
- Different types of webserver attacks and countermeasures.
- Different types of web application attacks, web application hacking methodology.
- DoS/DDoS attack techniques, botnets, DDoS attack tools and countermeasures.
This course is created to impart knowledge and skills related to security fundamentals, network access, information security, web application security and malware. This course will help candidates prepare to tackle real world Certified Ethical Hacking incidents. The following topics are general guidelines to better reflect the contents of the course and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
CEH: Course Topics
- Certified Ethical Hacking Introduction & Overview
- Foot printing & Reconnaissance
- Network Scanning
- System Hacking
- Malware Threats
- Sniffing
- Social Engineering
- Denial of Service
- Session Hijacking
- Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots
- Hacking Webservers
- Hacking Web Applications
- SQL Injection
- Hacking Wireless Networks
- Hacking Mobile Platforms
- IoT Hacking
- Cloud Computing
- Cryptography
- The MITRE attack framework
Followings labs will be performed by candidates during lab practice sessions:
- Lab 1. Foot printing & Reconnaissance using OSINT Tools
- Lab 2. Foot printing & Reconnaissance using Advanced Google Searching
- Lab 3. Foot printing & Reconnaissance using WHOIS
- Lab 4. Scanning Networks and Vulnerability Assessment using various tools
- Lab 5. System Hacking & Exploitation using various tools
- Lab 6. Sniffing network traffic using various tools
- Lab 7. Social Engineering using website phishing
- Lab 8. Distributed Denial of Service Attack using various tools
- Lab 9. Session Hijacking Attack using MITM tools
- Lab 10. Cross Site Scripting Attacks – DOM, Reflected & Stored
- Lab 11. Cross Site Request Forgery
- Lab 12. SQL Injection Attacks – Manual & Automated
- Lab 13. Configuring Windows Firewall & Bypassing Firewall rules
- Instructor led online training is an ideal vehicle for delivering training to individuals anywhere in the world at any time.
- This innovative approach presents live content with instructor delivering the training online.
- Candidates will be performing labs remotely on our labs on cloud in presence of an online instructor.
- SunPlus forum uses microsoft lync engine to deliver instructor led online training.
- Advances in computer network technology, improvements in bandwidth, interactions, chat and conferencing, and realtime audio and video offers unparalleled training opportunities.
- Instructor led online training can helps today’s busy professionals to perform their jobs and upgrade knowledge by integrating self-paced instructor led online training in their daily routines.
- The minimum batch size required for batch is 10 participants in this course.
- The SunPlus forum reserves the right to cancel/postpone the class.
- Course schedule will be provided before commencement of the course.
- Certificate of participation will be awarded to participants with a minimum 90% attendance.
- All attendees must observe the Copyright Law on intellectual properties such as software and courseware from respective vendors.
- The SunPlus forum reserves the right to include external participants in the program either for the entire course or individual courses.
- The SunPlus forum reserves the right to change/alter the sequence of courses. SunPlus forum published Book would be given at 50% discounted rate to the forum students.
Labs on cloud
SunPlus forum uses cloud computing to efficiently provide “Platform As A Service” (PAAS) to its students enabling them to quickly access Technology Racks over the internet and practice lab exercise from home These Racks are populated with latest equipment’s required for practical exercise’s.
Web Forums
Our web based forum allows its users to ask, hundreds of technical experts about their technology and certification problem. SunPlus forum is a tight knit community of working professionals that provide timely help on technical, certification and design related queries.
Enroll for this course now and boost
your IT & Engineering career.
Master Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) today.